News and events
Upcoming events
Dates to be announced, stay tuned!
Chocolate surprise for Easter
we will be handing out easter chocolate bunnies, stay tuned :)
13.02 Karrieretag from the JCF Freiburg
All PhD students are welcome to network with reprensentatives of the industry
upcoming PhD-Convent meeting 27.02
6.12 Christmas Get-together
06.11 Jour Fixe- (Meeting with the Dekanat)
26.10 Bachem Exkursion-
In collaboration with the JCF Freiburg there will be an excursion to Bachem. All PhD students are welcome to register. Further information can be found at
26.07 Information event for PhD students:
Regulatory Affairs and Drug Development (12.30 Uhr - R 00 080 Otto-Krayer-Haus)
21.07 Grillparty with the JCF Freiburg (Young Chemist from the GDCh)
all PhD Students are welcome
13.07-20.07 Uniwahlen- University elections:
We strongly encourage you to make use of your right to vote!
30.06. Tag der Forschung/ FakFest
16.06 Wine tasting with wine lecture
15.06 Field-trip to the Syngenta (Switzerland)- collaboration with JCF Freiburg
29th January 2020
Meet your PhD-fellows: Interdisciplinary exchange event with mulled wine.
6th November
Beer and PhD-discussions: Supervising and being supervised
30th October
Call to action: Demonstrate against drastic de-funding of the universities by the local government.
Speach by the CuP-convent outlining the impact on PhD-students.
21st October
Meet your PhD-fellows: Semester-opening beer and barbecue
8th August
Field-trip in collaboration with the JCF to the CERN particle accelerator (Geneva).
25th August
Universitary elections. First time where PhD students can elect their own representatives for the senate and faculty council!
16th May
Beer and PhD-discussions: Teaching of Lab-courses - exchange of experiences and ideas.
26th March
Plenary meeting for all students of the faculty. Discussion of current topics and election of the representatives board.
10th January
Meet your PhD-fellows: Interdisciplinary exchange event with mulled wine.
18th July
Plenary meeting for all students of the faculty. Discussion of current topics and election of the representatives board.
14th June
Meet your PhD-fellows: Barbecue, interdisciplinary exchange event.
12th December
Field-trip to the CERN particle accelerator (Geneva).
21st November
Field-trip to the Akademika job-fair in Augsburg
12th January
Plenary meeting for all students of the faculty. Discussion of current topics and election of the representatives board.
21st July
Plenary meeting for all students of the faculty. Discussion of current topics and election of the representatives board.
2nd March
Plenary meeting for all students of the faculty. Discussion of current topics and election of the representatives board.